Access to healthcare
Team Aleppo. HL322 International Health Issues; Winter 2017

The White Helmets
The White Helmets is a nonprofit NGO group of unarmed civilian volunteers that have been bravely working towards saving the lives of those in desperate need. These volunteers hold no barriers as to religion or gender (White Helmets, n.d). Both men and women, regardless of religion, have received medical and rescue work training, giving them just a small insight into the work that they are dedicating their lives towards. The White Helmets organization is funded by Mayday Rescue in Netherlands (White Helmets, n.d). The relatively new organization began forming on October 2014, when a group of small teams from around Syria joined to form the Syrian Civil Defense (as The White Helmets are nationally named).
The current status of the Syrian Civil War has gone far past combat war and rather, has entered a civil war, targeting hospitals, children, women, doctors, and any other civilians alike. The shortage of resources, medical facilities and personnel, and constant bombing campaigns are only the start of the problems Syrians are facing in terms of their diminishing healthcare (White Helmets, n.d). To add on to the limitations, the Civil War has created a physical barrier around major Syrian cities such as Aleppo. In such situations, without a cease-fire, it is physically impossible for medical rescuers to bring in supplies and carry out victims.
In an unimaginable act of heroism, the White Helmets have repeatedly proved their devotion to humanity by risking their own lives to cross this barrier into the war one itself. To learn more about the White Helmets, please visit their website at
The White Helmets, a Netflix Original documentary, provides shocking imagery and a first-hand look at the horrors of the Syrian civil war and the bravery of the volunteers risking their lives to save as many civilians as they can. Below is the official trailer for the Netflix Documentary. The full video can be viewed with a Netflix account.
Netflix Original Documentary Trailer. Source: Youtube