Access to healthcare
Team Aleppo. HL322 International Health Issues; Winter 2017
Syrian American Medical Society
The Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS) is a non-profit, non-political, organization representing thousands of Syrian-American medical professionals in the United States (SAMS-usa, 2016). This group of people works to organize and facilitate medical missions by allowing doctors, medical students, and volunteers to take part in medical and surgical campaigns. The medical personnel is sent to the specified regions in order to support ongoing medical relief and provide healthcare to Syrians- both inside Syria and those in refugee camps (SAMS-usa, 2016). SAMS works together with other NGOs such as American Relief Coalition for Syria, #WithSyria Coalition, Syria Relief Network, Safeguarding Healthcare Coalition, Polio Control Task Force, Inter Action, and The Syria Campaign.
Learn about SAMS and their mission. (Source: MedicalSAMS. 2016)
Thus far, the organization has trained more than 770 physicians, nurses, and medical technicians. In addition, SAMS has established additional training programs inside Syria (SAMS-usa, 2016). For example, in 2014, SAMS helped establish Aleppo’s nursing school where nurses were trained for field work. In addition, SAMS has been sponsoring field hospitals and ambulances, training and paying the salaries of Syrian medical personnel risking their lives to save others, and sending life-saving humanitarian and medical equipment to where it is needed most (SAMS-usa, 2016). Currently, SAMS holds more than 100 facilities throughout Syria.
In 2016, SAMS released the "SAMS Global Response" (SGR), a program that provided care for the refugees outside of Syria, namely Greece. Most of the Syrian refugees seek asylum in Europe (SAMS-usa, 2016). One of the most highly populated refugee camps is found in Greece. This camp holds approximately 11,000 refugees. Despite the high volume of patients, SAMS understands its role in providing basic care and treatment to those in need.
SAMS Impact and Challenges. ( Source: MedicalSAMS. 2017)

SAMS programs-Syria. Source
Omran's Story; Raising Awareness

Pictured below is the iconic photo of "the bloody boy in the ambulance" that has struck so many people throughout the world. His name is Omran Daqneesh and he is 5 years old (Kennedy M., 2016). His injuries are a result of an airstrike that stroke his home. In the picture below, as well as the released live video streams, Omran does not appear to cry nor talk. In fact, he appears dazed and calm. As he wipes off his bloody face with his hand, he realizes he is bleeding (Kennedy M., 2016). Yet, he still does not cry. No child of any age should have to be so "dazed and calm" amid war. Yet for young children like Omran, the war is all they know. Omran was treated by SAMS medical personnel in an underground facility (Kennedy M., 2016). He was released a couple hours after and is currently living with relatives. His ambulance picture remains a powerful symbol depicting the horrors of the Syrian crisis.
However, not pictured below is Omran's older brother, Ali. Ali was only 11 years old, and he suffered critical injuries as a result of the same airstrike. Due to his critical conditions, Ali died a day later. Ali's death is not the only one. There have been hundreds of reported cases much similar to that of Ali's (Kennedy M., 2016). Children throughout Syria are highly impacted by this huge cost of war, several losing their lives to it. While Omran's picture sent a very powerful message to the rest of the world, it is just as important to keep in mind his brother, Ali (Kennedy M., 2016). Along with the rest of the children that have suffered tragic deaths due to this unforgivable war, Ali stands as the perfect example of the extent of this humanitarian crisis.
SAMS is no exception to the several challenges and limitations faced by intervention programs looking to seek relief in the Syrian healthcare crisis. Throughout the years, and especially during 2016, SAMS medical facilities have been direct targets of war forces (SAMS-usa, 2016). These attacks led to the destruction of the facilities, the deaths of hundreds of personnel, and the scarce resources. In fact, one of SAMS biggest facility losses resulted from the destruction of Aleppo's largest trauma center (SAMS-usa, 2016). However, despite the damages, doctors continued to work, to the best of their abilities, in order to continue saving lives. Often times, doctors performed surgeries in dark operating rooms as the hospitals had no electricity (SAMS-usa, 2016). More so, conditions are no longer sterile. Dust and debris have filled the several hospital rooms and corridors, posing yet another challenge for those patients needing to get better. Further, resources are very limited as SAMS awaits their deliveries. UN and SAMS trucks often bring them supplies, however, the arrival of these deliveries is not always certain as they also get attacked or blocked along the way (SAMS-usa, 2016).
Below is a video filmed by MedicalSAMS discussing the challenges and implications of the medical staff and work of SAMS. It discusses some of the issues summarized above and provides a clear image of the struggles and challenges faced every single day in Syria today.
Challenges and Implications. (Source: MedicalSAMS, 2017)
To learn more about SAMS, keep up to date on their current missions, or to donate, please visit their website or click one of the links below.