Access to healthcare
Team Aleppo. HL322 International Health Issues; Winter 2017
The Aspects of The Syrian Health Crisis
Applicable Sustainable Development Goals

1. No Poverty: Amid the brutal Syrian Civil War, many Syrian civilians have been displaced abroad and within the country. With a crippled economy, many individuals are out of work and industries cannot function efficiently. With poverty comes malnutrition and starvation which have dire health consequences.
2. No Hunger: Inflation during wartime has skyrocketed the cost of food leading to hunger. As above, this leads to malnutrition and starvation and has significant health implications
3. Good Health: This is one of the most important SDGs related to this topic. There are many factors leading to an inability to obtain healthcare in Syria. Many health care providers and facilities have been targeted for attack. With diminished resources, the fragmented health care system cannot realistically support the many who are in need. Basic care is often unattainable in light of bombings and attacks. Those with chronic illnesses, children, and expecting mothers are at highest risk.
4. Clean Water and Sanitation: The destruction of many cities throughout Syria has led to a lack of clean water. Without clean water, the Syrian people are exposed to serious pathogens.
5. Good Jobs and Economic Growth: Without good jobs and economic growth, the Syrian people cannot provide food, water, and shelter for their families. Exposure to pathogens and malnutrition are health risks that fall to the wayside when more life threatening injuries are emergent.
6. Innovation and Infrastructure: The Syrian Healthcare infrastructure is the base of our topic. It has all but been destroyed during this war.
7. Sustainable Cities and Communities: Bombings and attacks have made many Syrian cities an unsafe place to live.
8. Peace and Justice: The unethical persecution of healthcare facilities and personnel is a breach of the Geneva Convention. Peace must be restored in Syria, and justice brought to those who have committed war crimes.
9. Partnerships for the Goals: There is a lot of confusion about what cause in this war is worth standing behind. There are many countries, religious affiliations, and other organizations involved which muddies the water and brings hesitation to those who otherwise could and SHOULD help. The plight of the Syrian people is being overlooked and action in resolving this humanitarian crisis has been slow. In our own country there is fear and resistance to helping the people of Syria. However, these are real people with families and dreams. It is important for organizations to form partnerships to aid Syria and relieve their health crisis.