Access to healthcare
Team Aleppo. HL322 International Health Issues; Winter 2017
The Syrian healthcare crisis has called for a need of several different interventions. The complexity of the situation requires monetary, volunteer aid, resource aid, and human rights advocate interventions. Several groups/organizations have formed to take action towards helping the Syrian civilians. Some of these organizations, such as the PHP, focus on training the medical personnel as to give them the proper knowledge needed to quickly identify and treat warfare chemicals and wounds. Other organizations, such as (Doctors without Borders) and (The White Helmets) provide physical help from medical or nonmedical volunteers. Another type of intervention is provided by the (UN..), where they
A video campaign from "Save The Children" demonstrating the harsh sudden impacts of war on society, and the lives of the thousands of children. Source: The Most Shocking Second Day. 2014. []
“We are exhausted, and there are not many of us left, but we continue our 20-hour shifts. What is most heartbreaking is when we have to choose which patients to save because there aren’t enough doctors to treat everyone. Our hospitals, though they are the targets of bombs, still overflow with the sick and injured.” – Dr. Abo El Ezz, SAMS Aleppo Coordinator
The Syrian Civil War has posed many different levels of crisis on the country's healthcare system. Several different types of organizations and individuals have, and still continue to intervene in the crisis in order to target all the different points of the issue (Lucy et. al., 2016). Amongst several others, this particular healthcare issue has been affected by the government, economy, war, lack of resources, lack of personnel, environment, and human rights issues. In order to address all these different aspects, different intervention programs have been founded to specifically address each issue in particular (Lucy et. al., 2016). In addition to these organizations, several individuals worldwide have supported the aid of the Syrian healthcare through social media awareness, campaigns to help raise money, toy donations for the children, and many other creative ways that have helped make the lives of the Syrian civil a little bit less worse.

Regional map displaying some of the different interventions and their aid in the crisis. Source: USAID
Even with all the interventions and support dedicated towards Syria's healthcare system, there are many challenges standing in the way of the end to the crisis. One challenge reflects the large volume of people affected by the crisis. Billions of people awaiting treatment, rescue, or asylum pose a large challenge for humanitarian organizations as both funds and supplies are limited. As the number of casualties and refugees increase each day, resources are becoming more scarce and interventions are left to face the challenges of the increasing demand.
Another major challenge, as seen in the video below, reflects the safety of the interventions. The United Nations Security Council has made countless efforts to assure a "safe zone" for aid interventions. Instead, the aid trucks have been targeted by the war parties, leading to their destruction and failed aid delivery. Several war crimes have been assigned to all parties of the war as cases of rape, abuse, starvation, dehydration, and violent murders have been reported throughout the past five years (PHR, 2014). The UN agencies, along with its collaborating partners, are continuously working hard to address the different faces of this complex issue. Finally, the outbreak of diseases such as polio, tuberculosis, and typhoid, have increased due to vaccination drops and unsanitary conditions. Further, deadly disease such as myiasis, never before seen in Syria, have appeared in cases throughout Syria due to the country's unsanitary conditions (PHR, 2014). Infested water and dusty air have caused many illnesses and have brought back many diseases.
News report addressing some of the challenges faced by the interventions. Source: France 24- English.
Further Reading
As mentioned above, hundreds of organizations and individuals are working alongside several different countries to provide help to the victims of the war. Below are just a few hand-selected articles and news reports of different interventions currently in use to help improve the Syrian healthcare crisis.
- Another Casualty of Syria's War: Its Medical System by U.S News
- DoctorsWithout Border: Latest Press Releases 2017
- How we flipped four headlines for Syrian children by RASHINI SURIYAARACHCHI-
- Record Population Displacement by USAID
- OCHA Flash Update Syria Crisis – Eastern Ghouta No. 1 | 26 - March - 2017 [EN/AR]
- Syria’s Government Exploits UN Aid System, Starving Civilians by PHR
- Aleppo Region Suffers Worst Week of Hospital Attacks Since Syrian Conflict Began
- CHART: Where The World's Refugees Are
- Syria 'the most dangerous place on earth for healthcare providers' – study
- WHO mobile clinics bring health care to northern Syria
A follow-up to the "Save The Children" further describing the atrocities of war. Still the Most Shocking Second A Day. 2017. Source: []